I'd just finished talking to Adrian again and trying to figure out who might be behind Gnome's adventures and along comes Posty with another! Now this time it's quite different in many ways. Posted 17 November but can't make out place. Picture of Civic Hall, Leeds. This one's dated for the first time too.
16.11.05 Trying to get a Christmas job here in this beautiful city. G. Nome.This one's beautifully written - quite different to others. Nice, clean new postcard too. Others were like ones that had been lying around a while.
This one had no ? after the postcode and back to No 3 address again.
Now, I'd only just mentioned handwriting to Adrian that morning so it wasn't his effort to put me off that scent. Doesn't look like his partner's writing either, although it does display distinct artistic talent. So, even more intriguing. Still reckon he's behind it, though. There's just no-one else who (a) knows my name (b) could guess that post code (c) known to use Gerald and Sebastian in the past and, most crucially, (d) could care enough to be bothered about amusing / intriguing me.
Still need that firm clincher, though.