In The Village, Bozeat, Northamptonshire
Bozeat's in Northamptonshire, England. It's where I wake up most mornings, now.
Saturday, June 30
Google+ Photowalk - Astcote represents UK
94 locations around the world marked Google+ 1st Anniversary by hosting a Photowalk. That's basically people wandering around that location and taking photos. The list starts with Adelaide and includes such famous places as Las Vegas, San Francisco, Tokyo. The UK was represented by three loactions. London, naturally. Oxford, well very photogenic. And the 3rd? Yes, Astcote!
So now all 20 million people using Google+ (the smart version of Facebook, by the way, in case you're new to all this) will be learning about the village and pretending they had heard of it all along.
We've uploaded some of the photos we took on our walk this morning. Mine are above and as soon as I can get my son Kirri's into a similar frame, I'll add his which are much better.
The sun shone and it was a great way to spend a while this morning. I had been really worried that there'd be a massive pile of people who follow me on G+ turning up at 10am - last night anyone in the UK wanting to join in only had a choice between London and Astcote! Luckily Oxford appeared on the list or we might have been trying to explain to people why 3000 people with cameras were here!
Just as I got home after lunch the clouds opened and it poured down. That was another bit of luck.
Tuesday, June 5
Paddock Party 8
Just in case you hadn't already heard the news, the Paddock Party is back again. Remember that entry is
by invitation only
so get in touch if you want to come and haven't got an invitation.
Finally, I get the bird.
Finally got that bird. Just in time as the foilage now totally blocks out everything! At least I can now drive past the tree (which I do at least twice every day) without stopping or worrying other drivers by standing on the verge with a camera! Well, until winter, that is, when I'll be seeking the silhouette shot against a full moon...
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