The magazine is one of those A5 home-produced things that could have almost any date of the cover from the last 20 years and still probably be pretty accurate, all Arial font and little adverts with clip-art you'll recognise from Windows 3.1 days but it did make me laugh this morning so loudly that I disturbed a bunch of jackdaws on the Chairman's roof.
Astcote really do have to get their act together, though, as the village is only mentioned twice with one being for the list of people who do things Methodically on Sundays at the Church and the second as the letters coming after the E in Eastcote. Cold Higham, that place whose name we usually only whisper, on the other side of the A5, occupy most of the content and Pattishall to the West most of the rest. Nice to see that the very lengthily named Pattishall Parish Hall and Playing Fields Association raised a nice pile to keep the hall and field going but I must make sure the shorter Paddock Party Committee get a few pages in the next edition and come up with some ideas to counter the Cold Higham (shhhhh!) invasion.
Breaking news from the magazine that needs wider circulation: about 20 people are going to be supplied with speed guns between 6 August and 17 September! So watch out. Apparently they have to have an hour's training for, er, 'Health & Safety purposes'! Pity, I thought it might have been to show them how to leap out from bushes and stand in the middle of the road, corduroy legs apart brandishing their weapon. That'd sure slow me down.